Our partners are like-minded businesses in the community that we believe in and who collaborate with us to deliver the highest-quality, science-based care. They believe in our mission and support our approach to integrative health and comprehensive wellness.
Castle Hill Fitness
Castle Hill’s mission is to PROVIDE a welcoming environment for the Austin community to improve their overall health. To EDUCATE their clients that overall health is more than just a fitness goal – it’s about community, variety, refueling, recovering, and challenging your mind and body. They EMPOWER their clients towards a greater quality of life with seasoned professionals, varied programs and disciplines, and conscious living principles all under one roof. www.castlehillfitness.com
Nutritional Wisdom
Nutritional Wisdom is one of Austin’s top nutrition practices. Carly Pollack, MA, CCN is an ace, and super-friendly to boot! Clients range from men and women looking to maintain their lifestyle, to people struggling with weight, to professional athletes looking for alternative ways of staying healthy. Carly offers a 4-week immersive online course aimed at cleansing old behaviors to create a more conscious life. www.nutritionalwisdom.com
Center for Green Psychiatry
The Center for Green Psychiatry (CGP) is an Austin-area wellness advocacy platform and collaboration of outpatient private-practice mental health clinics. CGP was founded by psychiatrist and wellness advocate, Gregory Scott Brown, M.D. CGP’s mission is to provide evidence-centered holistic care as well as support wellness efforts in the broader community. In addition to standard of care treatments, CGP-affiliated providers appreciate a role for mind-body medicine, community engagement, and spirituality in treatment, prevention, and sustainable recovery. centerforgreenpsychiatry.com. www.centerforgreenpsychiatry.com
Diagnostic Pain Center
Led by pain guru Dr. Robert Marks, The Diagnostic Pain Center takes a multidisciplinary approach to treating pain disorders. They are committed to helping make your life as pain-free as possible through advanced diagnostic, therapeutic and medical treatment services. With the emphasis on diagnostic pain management, they focus on diagnosing and treating the cause of your pain, not just putting a Band-Aid over the problem. www.diagnosticpaincenter.com